Monday, October 31, 2011

Rehearsals, rehearsals, and more rehearsals :)

It's a good thing we enjoy them :).  Even though the girls are preparing for a few different shows right now, we are not overwhelmed.  The folks in charge are very organized and keeping rehearsals on schedule.  Of course, we often stay and watch after their parts are over, just because it's fun, but that's a whole different story :).
Keegan is super pleased to be the "helper" for Carlie, who is the cutie who is the youngest member of the Carnival cast.  Carlie does a great job in keeping up with everyone else, but it is Keegan's job to hold her hand on the steps and make sure she gets to her place on stage.  She loves it!

 Kelsey, proudly wearing her new Carnival shirt at practice.
 "STOP living for reason, it's time to start living for rhyme...."
Carnival has some odd lyrics, if you aren't familiar with it :)! 

 Switching gears, here we are at Nutcracker rehearsal.
I love this mirror picture of all the cute ballerinas!
Keegan is toward the end of the line (top of the picture.)
 Miss Tanya is Clara, looking concerned because she is surrounded by scary mice!
 All the mice, posing at midnight.
It's funny that Kelsey was just a mouse, posing on the twelfth chime of midnight in Cinderella in January, and now Keegan is doing it in Nutcracker in December :).

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