Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Fun with Friends

We recently had the fun of some dance friends coming to visit.  We are very glad they did!!!!

Brooke, Brielle, and Caitlyn are all ballerinas.
We took some head shots of the girls, then some just for fun :).

This picture is so funny, I love it!

Timo is adorable and never lacks for attention when Kelsey or Keegan is around!
 Keegan, Katie, David, (and Kelsey) played a lot of tag, hide and seek, and relay races.
Here they are making stickers in Keegan's room.  It cracks me up how Keegan's shirt blends in with the wall.
 LOVE this - Keegan has a dry erase wall sticker in her room.  On it, she had her weekly schedule and David added this note.

While Caitlyn, Brooke, and Brie attended a ballet class, the moms and younger kids found a great park!
We hadn't gotten to see these guys in a while and were so glad we got to!

Sunday, January 29, 2012

Christmas Cooking

Yes, these are a little late, but I came across them and realized I never posted them, so I am doing it now  :).

For years, the girls and I have enjoying baking and making cookie trays for our friends at Christmastime.  It is one of our favorite traditions.  Here is a sampling of what we did this last Christmas....

 Caitlyn and Kelsey, ready to sample the chocolate suckers :)

We ALWAYS make and decorate sugar cookies, with a lot of effort going into making them look just right.
Here is Keegan is working on hers, and a sample of the finished product.

This year we had some extra decorating icing, so they expressed their creativity with some freestyle designs.

This year we made buckeyes, sugar cookies, chocolate suckers, crackers kisses, brownies, and red velvet cookies. 

We love, love, love doing this and I love all of the memories we have made.  I hope we will continue for many years to come :).

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Kelsey Quote

Speaking of a grouchy character in a book, "I was like whoa - he is ruining the whole book!"

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

First game

Kelsey is ready should the ball happen to come her way!
 Man to man defense is a concept she mastered in soccer
 "I'm open!"
 Kelsey is not going to let the other girl get away from her no matter how she might try :).  Kelse may be small, but she is tough!
So fun :)!  Kelsey is enjoying it so much that she asked to go to the gym to practice almost every day this week.  Love that she is having fun!!!!!

Monday, January 16, 2012

Keegan Quote

Yesterday, Keegan and Caitlyn were talking on the phone  and Caitlyn kept hanging up on Keegan.  Keegan would call back and say, "You hung up on me!"  then they would start talking again.  After the third or fourth time, Keegan walked away from the phone and said, "She hung up on me AGAIN. I am done with her."  And she was.  Smile :).

Sunday, January 15, 2012


 Despite never having dribbled a ball before last Monday, Kelsey joined a team and had her first practice.  She is great about jumping in and trying new things when they interest her.  It is an Upward type program, and so far we like it very much.  The coaches were positive and Kelsey had a lot of fun. 
 Kelsey takes a shot! -->
 <---  Oof!  It can be a little startling when that big ball comes towards your face!
Kelsey makes a pass --->

 <---  Getting the ball under control after grabbing a rebound
She is picking up on dribbling --->

<---- Shoot, Kelsey, you can do it!
She actually did make one basket, which I thought was pretty exciting for her first time playing. 
Practicing dribbling at the end.  Notice her cute UT shirt for extra inspiration :).  Go Vols!  And go, Kelse!