Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Keegan's Animal Pictures

My Keegan is an enthusiastic girl.  Whatever "it" is, at the moment, she is likely to be really into it.  Which makes her pretty fun.  Lately she has been asking to use my camera a lot.  She is loving taking pictures (I guess she comes by it honestly ;).  And animals are one of her constant loves, so here is a small sample, combining the two....

Sweetie is Keegan's own dog
 Neat shot.  One of last year's Christmas kittens.  Not so small any more.
 And a typical shot of life at our house.... the cats (3 of the 4, anyway) LOVE climbing this door.  Then they balance on its top.  It is evidently quite thrilling if you are a cat!

Monday, May 30, 2011

Trying to take pictures..

with 3 girls and a lot of wind is harder than you might imagine :).
 Bill took Easter pictures of the girls this year and found it quite a challenge :).  Between the wind, the fact that there were 3 people in the pictures, the fact that Bill doesn't take many pictures or give a warning before he snaps, and the new bangs, there were many pictures like this -
and this.  Lol.
But I enjoyed them, anyway.  Hope you see the humor I did.  Have a great week!

Saturday, May 21, 2011


Caitlyn recently had a chance to perform in a "Best of Ballet" show, featuring variations from several different classical ballets.  her dances were from Esmeralda, Swan Lake, and Paquita.

Dress rehearsals are always fun :)
 This is the Esmeralda variation.  I loved the costume and the tambourine.  Several times during the dance she kicked the tambourine.  Very cool.  It was her most challenging dance with the hardest part being 12 kicks of the tambourine in a row from passe' on pointe (I don't know if that has a real name, so, oh, well.)
She rocked :)
You can see a YouTube video of the variation (not Caitlyn doing it) here.

 Caitlyn isn't in this one, but I love the picture.  This is a Swan Lake variation.

 Swan Lake variation.  Pretty girl.  Cool picture. :)
 Paquita - Like this picture :)
 Paquita - the girls called these the Barbie costumes because of the pink.  Haha.
Thanks to our awesome friends that came to watch.  That makes it even more fun!

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Dyeing Easter Eggs

Slowly, but surely I am catching up on my posting :).  Obviously, this is dyeing Easter Eggs.  Also, you can see Kelsey and Keegan's (then) new haircuts.  Kelsey got layers, and Caitlyn and Keegan got layers and side bangs!  Although it's still long hair, this took quite a but of courage on everybody's parts!  I love them.  I think they all look so cute :)!

By the way, they made some cool eggs, too ;)

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

What Kelsey and Keegan have been up to....

 This is Keegan and Kelsey's new favorite passtime - listening to the Jonathon Park radio series while having puzzle marathons  Then taking pictures of the puzzles they have worked.  This is merely a small sample ;).

Love Keegy's toes in this one.

Kelsey loves these 350 piece panoramic puzzles.  One day the cats knock onto the floor 3 of them that had been worked, so all the pieces got mixed.  That was fun to sort out :p.

 Little Vols helping Kelsey work her puzzle, haha.
 Little Vols attacking Kelsey's hair as she works a puzzle, haha, again.  And...
Little Vols falling off Kelsey as Kelsey works a puzzle.  The final haha.

So, if you need any puzzles worked, or any episode of Jonathon Park volume 1-3 recited to you in great detail, I know just the girls to help you out!

Monday, May 16, 2011

More from the Atlanta trip

Walking around downtown Decatur
 Very cool gazebo
 Kelsey had fun :)
 Sweet Keegan

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Atlanta, Day 2, American Girl Place

Wow.  I can't believe I still haven't blogged about American Girl!  Well, we went and it was fun :).  That's the quick summary. 
 Here is the longer version...
The doll hair salon was a big attraction for us.  I took "before" pictures of the dolls' hair, but forgot to get "after" ones.  You'll just have to take my word for it that there was a huge difference!

Choosing hair styles
A note if you are visiting - when we got there, there was over a two hour wait for doll's hair and it wasn't even a busy day!  So I would highly recommend going there first thing and getting your name on the list.

Zoe getting her hair done
Kelsey doing some shopping.  She ended up buying this jogging set.
Mmmmmmm, this hot chocolate was SO good.  WAY better than the tea Bill got!
Keegan pouring tea for Sydney, before Sydney's hair got fixed :)

The gang's all here - Ready for tea
Each doll got her own place setting :)

LOVE this picture of Kelse checking out the food!
All the food was cut into cute little shapes.  We were into that :)
And Kelsey with Kanani

Happy, happy birthday to my Kelsey Rosie
(now after the fact, but it was a fun celebration :)

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Caitlyn and Keegan Quote

Sometimes simple observations can show our personalities so clearly :) 

Listening to a song about a broken heart,
Keegan, "That is so sad that he is going to have a broken heart."
Caitlyn, "Yes, but I can think of a lot more productive things to do than write a song about it."