Friday, September 30, 2011

Kelsey Quote

"Flopsy is putting the garbage bag strings in her mouth and then trying to yak them out!"

She then gives me a visual demonstration, pretending to chew, then spit.  Whattakid!

Thursday, September 29, 2011

City Tavern in Philadelphia

One of our favorite places in Philadelphia was The City Tavern, where many of the founding fathers used to meet regularly.
It is now a restaurant where servers dress in period clothing and all of the food is from the Colonial time period.
The chef has a show on PBS.  What he does is go around, re-creating accurate historical foods.  Pretty cool, right?

They even use pewter goblets which are nice and cold on HOT summer days!

We loved the sweet potato rolls, which were a favorite of Thomas Jefferson.
We enjoyed the entire experience so much, we took Bill back when he came to town :).
Keegan was wearing the same shirt both times, haha.

 We tried an old timey drink, a non-alcoholic shrub, but Kelsey and I were the only ones who liked it.   Keegan thought it was too fizzy :)!  Also we tried our first creme brulee'.  Yummmmmmmmmm!

I couldn't resist buying a cap.  Isn't she adorable ;)?

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Dance rehearsals

Caitlyn likes her Carnival dance a lot!  They are dancing to "Love Makes the World go 'Round."  It starts out slow, because they are dancing in the middle of the night, but overall is a fun, lively, active dance!

Stretching, which always makes me(but not Caitlyn) say, "OW!"

Some of our friends are dancing, too.  Yea!
 Pointed feet :)
This dance has quite a bit of partnering, which Caitlyn really enjoys.
I like this picture :).
And this leap.
The leap above has a rather funny story.  Caitlyn likes her directions to be very detailed and specific.  If you tell her, "jump 3.5 inches off the floor with your leg at a 45 degree angle," she is good.  Here the choreographer told her, "do a jump toward the center."  Caitlyn was like, "what kind of jump?" and the lady told her, "Oh, whatever you do will be fine.  Just do something your partner can do, too and the others can follow you."  So, Caitlyn was a little horrified, but came up with this and it looks really good :)!

Monday, September 26, 2011

Walking around Philadelphia

Ben Franklin bridge into New Jersey.  There is no toll going into NJ, but you have to pay to get out, haha.

We thought this building was so cool, but didn't know what it was.  Finally we found a sign and read about it, but now I have forgotten what it is again :/.

Most lion statues look so ferocious.  I like how this one looks like he's about to fall asleep. <smile>
 First Bank of the United States - it failed.  But it was a cool building, nonetheless.
Looking up into a tower built for no discernible reason.  I liked it, anyway.

A map with three dimensional models of significant buildings and descriptions in braille.  Cool.
 Hee, hee.  Fortunately, or unfortunately, there was a Krispy Kreme a couple of blocks from our apartment.  There were Dunkin' Doughnuts everywhere in Philadelphia, seemingly on every block, but not so many Krispy Kremes.  Whenever we were carrying Krispy Kreme boxes (not that that was a frequent occurrence or anything ;), people would stop us and ask, "Is there a Krispy Kreme around here?!?!?"
Everyone knew where Dunkin Doughnuts was, but evidently no one knew about the poor Krispy Kreme.  I found this amusing as I was severely navigationally challenged in Philadelphia, but pointed lots of locals to the Krispy Kreme!

Sunday, September 25, 2011

Kelsey Quote

Kelsey,"Caitlyn, do you want to be boy crazy?"
Caitlyn, "No!  Why would I?"
Kelsey, "Because sometimes teenagers have strange moments."

Carnival Auditions

Out of order since I have already posted from rehearsals, but here are pictures from the Carnival auditions.  As usual, the auditions showcased a great amount of talent in the children and adults.  Keegan and Kelsey tried out with the many cute children.
Here is Kelse, dancing with the choreographer.
 It was Caitlyn's first year to audition with the adults.
 Caitlyn hoped to dance, which she did, but all of the adults did a reading, too.
 Kelsey's group was asked to display several emotions - pouting
 and fear/shock. :)

 Keegan's group did more singing and dancing,
and a little acting -
here Keegan is supposed to be showing something to her friend.
"Can anyone do a trick?"
Keegan doing a cartwheel :).
We were super excited when the cast list came out to see all three girls listed, starting another season of fun!   

Saturday, September 24, 2011

Keegan's Banana Story

  Once a banana said, "I want to get down from this tree."  Now he wasn't an ordinary banana, he was purple with light blue spots.  He got down from the tree and was happy!!!!!

Friday, September 23, 2011


Carnival rehearsals are moving right along.  This show has a different feel than the last couple of  shows my girls have gotten to be in.  The cast is much smaller and, in this case, very interesting!  The Carnival cast includes a fire eater, a boa constrictor, and a belly dancer!

Here is Keegan, working on the very difficult "Beautiful Candy" song. 

Kelsey (toward your right) practicing the dance.
We are again thrilled to have the opportunity to work with the wonderful Miss Marilyn, who makes every rehearsal fun!

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Independence Hall

Independence Hall - one of the most significant places in American history
 The tower (obviously) is being renovated.
 Past security, which included metal detectors and bag searches, and waiting in line to enter the building.  Keegan is practicing ballet while we wait :).
 Cool arches
 Kelsey and Keegan, checking it out.  They absorbed so much history on our trip.  I am so thankful for the opportunities we had!