Monday, September 19, 2011

Keegan is 11!

Recently we had a wonderful/terrible event, depending on your perspective.  Keegan had her 11th birthday.  While she was very excited and of course I can't wait to see her life as an 11 year-old, I am always so sad when one of my girls has a birthday.  They are growing up so quickly!  I love every stage, but am always sad for the part that is ending.  Anyway, I am the only one who feels maudlin around birthdays, the girls choose to celebrate and Keegan definitely wanted to do that!

While in Philadelphia, we bought a book full of party ideas and Keegan planned the activities herself :).  First, we had a gumdrop/marshmallow/toothpick tower building contest.I had read this idea a while back and always thought it sounded fun.  Keegan was the first one I could convince to try it :). 
Just in case you ever wondered, the gumdrops built A LOT sturdier buildings than the marshmallows :).  The highest towers were about 14 inches tall.

 Later we did the cookie tower game, which was in Keegan's book.  The girls' spin a spinner, then added that number of cookies to the tower.  If someone landed on "chomp," she tried to get the top cookie(s) off the tower using only her mouth <grin.>  Karaline, at left, could get 3 cookies without knocking over the tower!

They also played flashlight tag, ride, ride, ride that pony, and did other cool 11 year-old stuff :).
Keegan chose the cutest monkey pinata!
Whack it, Kelsey!
It didn't hurt my feeling that is was mistakenly marked at $.79 and the cashier said, "That's what the price tag says," and sold it to us for that amount :)! (Yes, little things make me happy :).
 It was a tough little thing, too.  We used a wooden baseball bat to beat it, so you would think it wouldn't last very long....,
but it lasted through being whopped and whipped and knocked off of the tree more than once.  Finally we just took it down and let the girls tear into it, haha.  One little girl took home an arm and another the head, lol!
 Wise Keegan chose a chocolate cheesecake - yummmmmm.
See the matching shirts?  Keegan's was her present so they could match.  She LOVED it!
And, of course, a group picture (missing one who had to leave early :( )
 And an optional silly picture - love it!
thanks to the great friends who helped us celebrate and

Happy Birthday, Keegan!!!!

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