Sunday, September 25, 2011

Carnival Auditions

Out of order since I have already posted from rehearsals, but here are pictures from the Carnival auditions.  As usual, the auditions showcased a great amount of talent in the children and adults.  Keegan and Kelsey tried out with the many cute children.
Here is Kelse, dancing with the choreographer.
 It was Caitlyn's first year to audition with the adults.
 Caitlyn hoped to dance, which she did, but all of the adults did a reading, too.
 Kelsey's group was asked to display several emotions - pouting
 and fear/shock. :)

 Keegan's group did more singing and dancing,
and a little acting -
here Keegan is supposed to be showing something to her friend.
"Can anyone do a trick?"
Keegan doing a cartwheel :).
We were super excited when the cast list came out to see all three girls listed, starting another season of fun!   

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