Sunday, October 30, 2011

Colonial kids

Once Upon a Nation was great!  They supplied the storytelling benches and storytellers around town, organized the Colonial muster and reading of the Constitution (by costumed actors,) and provided a Colonial Kids experience around town.  Keegan, Kelsey, and I went on a Colonial Kids Adventure.  They felt almost too old for it, but it was fun anyway!  And I enjoyed it, so how could they be too old?

This was the guide who introduced the storyline - the newly printed copy of the Declaration of Independence was missing and it was our job to find it.  All the kids received hats.

During the adventure, Keegan found the bag which had held the Declaration, and Kelsey found a clue in a flower bed!
Kelsey had to keep her hat low on her head because she had just gotten her glue on her forehead a few days before, and wasn't supposed to let a hat sit right on it.

Being sworn in as Patriots

At the end, with the cast.  A fun filled morning :).

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