Sunday, July 31, 2011

After leaving our friends....

we traveled on to Philadelphia where, surprisingly enough, I didn't take many pictures at first.  We have been blessed with a wonderful apartment for this trip.  Unfortunately, the management company messed up and when we arrived on Saturday, our reservations were in perfect order, but there were no keys, access card to the building, parking pass, etc. available for us.  Their main offices were closed over the weekend, but they assured me they could let us in on Monday.  Ummmmm, I just arrived in Philadelphia with 3 children - where am I supposed to go until Monday???  Add that to the fact that my gps exploded (who knew that some couldn't be left in the car?), the new gps kept insisting that we were in Chicago, plus the fact that "brotherly love" is NOT shown in the way people drive around here, and I started to get a bit stressed.

But it all worked out in the end.  Doesn't it always?  Now if I could just remember that in the middle next time :)

While Caitlyn spends her days dancing, Keegan, Kelsey, and I roam around having fun. This cool building is the
,especially for kids.  Kelsey and Keegan were a bit old for some of it, but it's a super neat place and was still a lot of fun.

Kelsey making music with some colorful frogs :)

A lesson in perspective in the Alice in Wonderland area

Let freedom ring ;)

Keegan blowing some feathers

Kelsey blowing her face, haha

Abd first/last but not least... that first picture which for some reason refuses to come to the bottom, is Kelsey in a human hamster exercise wheel.  Who could ask for more than that?
See you next time.

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